

The preparation in case of an apocalypse or any other emergency is very important. Do you know how to make a fire? Or how you are able to orientate in the woods? Important things in serious situations.

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Topics Klicks Posts Freshness
Learning a foreign language is power
3881 0
Survival knowledge and skills you will need
Knowledge is power
1317 0
Easy accessible weapons
Bring these for self-defense
1172 0
Do you know how long you can survive without food and water? 3159 2 prepperme
May 19, 2014 9:51
How do I dress a wound?
Someone was injured and you want to help them. Here's a brief instruction on what to do.
2383 1 MaryAnn
Mar 31, 2014 13:00
How do I determine the cardinal points?
Here are some tips to determine the cardinal points. Do you know how to do that?
3006 1 AliMana
Jun 26, 2014 11:58
How do you make a fire?
Here are short instructions on how to make a fire.
2285 0

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